Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Field of Study Glossaries as an Authentic Blog Post Type

People often need to look up unfamiliar words, and so one common type of blog post that people search for is the field-related glossary. For college students, compiling a list of field-specific words can be a useful way to become more familiar with technical and semi-technical words in their fields of study. The field-specific glossary is therefore both an authentic and pedagogically useful writing model for college ESL students to learn. Each field of study comes with its own specialized vocabulary or with common vocabulary used in a specialized way. Consider how a "jab" in boxing a semi-technical name for "a short, straight punch," but in nursing a "jab" refers to "an injection with a needle."

Glossaries usually come with a short explanatory paragraph and then employ <dl></dl> tags to contain the definition list, <dt></dt> tags to contain the term being defined, and <dd></dd> tags to contain the definition.  Below is the form a glossary blog post usually takes without any content. Make your own glossary with a title, short introduction, a heading and a list of words.

Glossary Heading

term 1
definition 1
term 2
definition 2
term 3
definition 3
term 4
definition 4
term 5
definition 5
term 6
definition 6
term 7
definition 7
term 8
definition 8
term 9
definition 9
term 10
definition 10
For more words related to this field or study, or to analyze any text for program-related or field-related vocabulary go to FieldRelated.com.

Analyze your text for field-related vocabulary with FieldRelated.com

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